After submitting a new maintenance request you can view all open and closed work orders, and have the ability to make edits, monitor the status, and chat with your property manager for all active work orders from the resident portal. 


Manage Maintenance Requests 

To view all maintenance requests associated with your account, click Requests in the left navigation under Maintenance. Active and completed work orders can be viewed and managed from this page through the following:

  1. Choose between open and closed work orders. The page will default to all open work orders that have not been finalized by your property manager and may still require additional work to be completed. To view all work orders that your property manager has closed or cancelled, click the Closed tab.  
  2. To look for a specific work order, use the search bar at the top of the page. Simply type in the type of work order to see matching results. 
  3. To create a new maintenance request from this page, click Create New Request. This will initiate the process to submit a new work order after providing the necessary details (see Submitting a Maintenance Request).
  4. The title of the work order is the category and service that was selected when creating the work order and relate to the issue needing to be resolved. Clicking the title will open a new page with additional details on the work order. 
  5. The name of the vendor assigned to the work order will be displayed. If a vendor has not yet been assigned, you will see "Unassigned" and this will be replaced with the vendor name once assigned.
  6. The number of images uploaded by all participants of the work order (resident, vendor and property manager) will be shown on the left. The number of chat messages associated with the work order will be shown on the right.
  7. The current status of the work order.

Work Order Details

Clicking the work order category and service will open a new page with all details regarding the work order that were submitted when created and separated into three sections:

  • Details
  • Photos
  • Chat

Details Tab 

The first tab includes primary details about the work order:

  1. The address associated with the work order
  2. The work order category and service that is related to the issue that needs to be resolved
  3. If the work order requires the resident to be home when a vendor is sent to fix the issue, the resident appointment availability submitted with the work order will be displayed. Any changes to the availability need to be communicated with your property manager or use the work order chat once a vendor has been assigned. 
  4. Based on the appointment availability, the occupancy status selected when the work order was submitted will be displayed.
  5. The original description of the maintenance issue that outlines what is wrong and what needs to be done. It's important this be as detailed as possible to help the property manager assess the issue and find the right vendor. 
  6. Instructions for the vendor on how and where they can arrive at the home. This should include helpful details for a vendor if there are community gates or other considerations when visiting the home. 
  7. Once a vendor has been assigned and an appointment scheduled, the availability will be replaced with the scheduled appointment. Any changes to the appointment should be directed to the work order chat to communicate with the property manager and vendor.

Photos Tab

Throughout the course of the work order, images can be uploaded by the resident, assigned maintenance vendor and property manager to document how the issue looks before any work has been done and after work has been done to confirm the issue has been resolved. There is a dedicated tab within each maintenance request where all images are stored and can be viewed.

  1. From the maintenance request details page, click the Photos tab to view all photos that have been uploaded to the work order.
  2. Any images uploaded by the resident while creating the work order are automatically stored in the Before section of the photo gallery to document the issue before a vendor visits the rental home. Additional photos can be added to this section by the Property Manager or assigned vendor.
  3. To add more photos to the Before section, click the Add button and upload any relevant images that will help your Property Manager or the vendor better understand and see the issue. This can help expedite a resolution.
  4. Once the vendor has visited the property and determines the issue has been resolved, photos will be uploaded in order to complete the work order and will be displayed in the After section. Additional images can be added by the resident to document the issue after work has been done to help determine if the issue has been fixed. Your property manager will review all After images to confirm the vendor completed the job.
  5. Clicking on any image will display a larger view of the picture. There is an option to download any image that has been uploaded to the photo tab and if you uploaded the image, there will be an option to remove the photo from the work order. 
  6. To download all images from the Before or After section, click the Download All button and a download will immediately begin with a zip file of all images from that section. 

Chat Tab

To easily communicate with your property manager about the work order, there is a dedicated chat channel within each work order where residents can ask questions and receive status updates. Once a vendor has been assigned to a work order, there will be an additional chat channel with both the property manager and vendor to help coordinate an appointment and keep all participants of the work order updated. 

  1. From the maintenance request details page, click the Chat tab to visit the different chat channels available within the work order. There will be a notification badge indicating the number of unread chat messages sent by your property manager and/or assigned maintenance vendor.
  2. Once a vendor has been assigned to your work order by the property manager, a group chat channel will become available that contains the vendor and property manager. Use this channel to send messages to all participants of the work order.
  3. Upon the creation of your work order, a dedicated chat channel with your property manager will always be available. This channel can be used to ask questions and receive status updates on the work order. 
  4. View the entire communication history of the chat channel
  5. Type your message and attach files for the chat, and click send when ready to share your message
  6. When new messages have been sent, you will receive an email notification alerting you to unread chat messages with a link to the work order.