Welcome to your Resident Portal! After creating an account with Propify, scheduling a showing and leasing a new rental home, your online portal becomes your centralized resident portal that allows you to manage smart home devices, submit maintenance requests, make payments and more! 

Let's take a tour of your resident portal so you know where to find everything! 



On the left side of the or in the menu on mobile devices, your navigation may have some of the following options (note: the navigation updates as you progress in your lease and not all navigation sections will be visible):

  1. Dashboard - to return to the main dashboard of the resident portal, click Dashboard at the top of the menu
  2. My Applications- to view your rental application, visit My Applications to view all current and past applications.
  3.  Renewal Terms - when your lease end date approaches and your property manager has proposed renewal terms, you will see a section called Renewal where you can view the proposed terms.
  4.  Payment- to pay move-in charges when signing a new lease and continuing to make monthly rental payments, use the payment section. All residents need to add at least one payment method and have the option of making manual payments each month, set a fixed payment each month or set up autopay.
  5. Lock- create lock codes to control who can access your home with codes that work at all times or for limited periods of time.
  6. Thermostat- create temperature profiles and control the interior temperature of your home all from your resident portal.
  7. Maintenance- view all open work orders, past work orders and create new work orders and submit to your property manager
  8. Additional Users - to give users access to your home controls that do not currently have the option, add external users who will be able to full access to your home controls.
  9. Account - view your account details and easily get to the Propify help center


On the main dashboard of your resident portal, you have a snapshot into your rental home with the following information:

  1. Rent Balance - view the current amount that needs to be paid (Outstanding Balance) or charges that have been added to your account but not yet due (Pending Charges), and navigate to the payment page by clicking Pay Now
  2. Thermostat Controls - monitor the current temperature of your rental home and make changes directly from the dashboard
  3. Lock Status - confirm whether your home is currently locked and the battery status plus remotely unlock your door from the dashboard
  4. Maintenance Requests - view the last four maintenance requests and easily create new maintenance requests from the dashboard